Monday, May 09, 2016


Gamification is not a new concept but it has increasingly made a significant shift from the world of business, retail and enterprise into Education. You may argue it has always been present in Education but with the increased use of games in society as a whole it is now beginning to have positive impacts on the way we learn.

Gamification can be described as:
“Gamification is the concept of applying game mechanics and game design techniques to engage and motivate people to achieve their goals”

So, in essence, what we are doing as Educators is using the way games are conceived and designed and applying this to our teaching methods. Learners now have opportunities to explore learning as they would missions in an online game, or earn points and experience for completing tasks and sometimes hidden bonuses. Games use rapid feedback loops to help players learn from their mistakes, something that with careful planning can be embedded in teaching and learning to develop greater learner independence and self-reflection.

So….have I wet your appetite to find out more? For more info on the use of Gamification in Education see the links below and watch the video attached.
